Gain now insight into the past, current and future, using Tarot psychic reading. Learn now about Tarot Psychic Reading!
Tarot reading is a spiritual psychic tool that fascinated mankind for so many years. It has grown to incorporate few old known techniques Like Astrology, Kabbalah and Runes and you'll learn how and why.
In this app you'll find:
1. Free tarot psychic reading
2. 6 lesson course - how to become a Tarot card reader.
3. Learn to perform Tarot Psychic reading all by yourself
4. practice tarot psychic reading as you learn here, in your course - before performing it to others
We have a few tools for you, that will help you get the most of the app:
* Weekly reminder - Schedule lessons time and days of the week, in which you want to use the time learning our tarot course. The app will notify when it's time.
* Notes tool - here you'll write your notes and ideas you'll want to remember later on.
* Share button that will help you share what you've learned with your friends.
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